Common Core Standards for Reading in Grade 4

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Skills available for Common Core fourth-grade language arts standards

IXL'south fourth-grade skills will be aligned to the Mutual Core Land Standards soon! Until and so, you can view a complete listing of 4th-form standards below.

Standards are in black and IXL linguistic communication arts skills are in dark green. Concord your mouse over the name of a skill to view a sample question. Click on the proper noun of a skill to practice that skill.

L.4 Language

  • Conventions of Standard English

    • Demonstrate control of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

      • L.4.1.a Utilise relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why).

        • Place relative pronouns ( iv-LL.9 )
        • Use relative pronouns: who and whom ( iv-LL.10 )
        • Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, and that ( four-LL.xi )
        • Utilise relative adverbs ( four-QQ.vii )
      • L.4.i.b Form and use the progressive (east.g., I was walking; I am walking; I will be walking) verb tenses.

        • Employ the progressive verb tenses ( 4-OO.13 )
        • Grade the progressive verb tenses ( iv-OO.14 )
      • Use modal auxiliaries (e.g., tin can, may, must) to convey various conditions.

        • What does the modal verb bear witness? ( iv-MM.four )
        • Use the correct modal verb ( 4-MM.5 )
      • L.4.1.d Guild adjectives inside sentences according to conventional patterns (e.1000., a small blood-red bag rather than a red pocket-size bag).

        • Order adjectives ( 4-QQ.iv )
      • Course and use prepositional phrases.

        • Identify prepositions ( 4-RR.i )
        • Place prepositions and their objects ( 4-RR.2 )
        • Identify prepositional phrases ( 4-RR.3 )
        • Prepositions: review ( 4-RR.4 )
      • Fifty.iv.1.f Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons.

        • Create varied sentences based on models ( iv-West.1 )
        • Place the complete subject area of a sentence ( 4-JJ.two )
        • Identify the consummate predicate of a sentence ( four-JJ.iii )
        • Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? ( 4-JJ.5 )
        • Is it a complete sentence or a run-on? ( 4-JJ.6 )
        • Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on? ( iv-JJ.7 )
        • Lodge the words to create a sentence ( 4-JJ.x )
      • L.four.1.g Correctly employ frequently dislocated words (e.1000., to, too, two; at that place, their).

        • Homophones with pictures ( iv-DD.1 )
        • Identify homophones ( 4-DD.2 )
        • Use the right homophone ( 4-DD.iii )
    • L.4.2 Demonstrate control of the conventions of standard English language capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

      • L.4.2.a Use correct capitalization.

        • Capitalizing the names of people and pets and titles of respect ( four-VV.1 )
        • Capitalizing days, months, and holidays ( 4-VV.2 )
        • Capitalizing the names of places and geographic features ( 4-VV.3 )
        • Capitalizing the names of historical events, periods, and documents ( four-VV.4 )
        • Capitalizing proper adjectives, nationalities, and languages ( 4-VV.5 )
        • Capitalization: review ( 4-VV.6 )
        • Capitalizing titles ( 4-Xx.3 )
      • L.4.two.b Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct voice communication and quotations from a text.

        • Punctuating dialogue ( iv-XX.6 )
      • L.4.2.c Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.

        • Use coordinating conjunctions ( iv-T.2 )
        • Create compound sentences ( 4-JJ.9 )
      • L.iv.2.d Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references every bit needed.

        • Word pattern analogies ( four-Y.xi )
        • Give-and-take pattern sentences ( 4-Y.12 )
        • Form compound words with pictures ( four-AA.1 )
        • Form compound words ( four-AA.2 )
        • Form and apply compound words ( 4-AA.3 )
        • Utilize the correct homophone ( 4-DD.3 )
        • Use guide words ( 4-II.five )
        • Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 4-KK.5 )
        • Utilize regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 4-KK.6 )
        • Class regular plurals with -s, -es, -ies, and -ves ( 4-KK.7 )
        • Use regular plurals with -southward, -es, -ies, and -ves ( 4-KK.8 )
        • Form and use irregular plurals ( 4-KK.ten )
        • Form the atypical or plural possessive ( four-KK.12 )
        • Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns ( 4-KK.xiii )
        • Form and use the regular past tense ( 4-OO.3 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: gear up 1 ( 4-OO.5 )
        • Form and apply the irregular past tense: set two ( four-OO.6 )
        • Grade and use the irregular past tense: prepare iii ( 4-OO.7 )
        • Class and utilize the irregular past tense: set 4 ( 4-OO.8 )
        • Spell adjectives that compare ( 4-QQ.eleven )
        • Pronoun-verb contractions ( iv-TT.1 )
        • Contractions with "not" ( four-TT.2 )
  • Knowledge of Language

    • L.4.3 Use cognition of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

      • L.iv.3.a Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.

        • Sort sensory details ( iv-E.1 )
        • Show character emotions and traits ( 4-Five.1 )
        • Choose the synonym ( 4-CC.1 )
        • Choose the antonym ( 4-CC.iv )
        • Shades of meaning with pictures ( four-GG.1 )
        • Describe the divergence betwixt related words ( iv-GG.2 )
        • Positive and negative connotation ( 4-GG.three )
        • Use thesaurus entries ( four-II.8 )
      • L.four.iii.b Choose punctuation for effect.

      • Fifty.4.3.c Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English language (east.thousand., presenting ideas) and situations where breezy discourse is appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion).

  • Vocabulary Acquisition and Employ

    • 50.4.iv Determine or analyze the meaning of unknown and multiple-pregnant words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

      • L.four.4.a Employ context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in text) as a clue to the pregnant of a word or phrase.

        • Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors ( 4-F.3 )
        • Translate the meaning of an allusion from its source ( 4-F.iv )
        • Which definition matches the sentence? ( 4-EE.two )
        • Which sentence matches the definition? ( four-EE.iii )
        • Make up one's mind the meaning of idioms from context: set 1 ( iv-FF.1 )
        • Decide the meaning of idioms from context: set 2 ( iv-FF.3 )
        • Discover words using context ( )
        • Decide the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( iv-HH.ii )
        • Employ context to identify the pregnant of a word ( 4-HH.3 )
        • Determine the pregnant of domain-specific words with pictures ( iv-HH.four )
        • Use academic vocabulary in context ( 4-HH.5 )
      • L.4.four.b Use common, grade-advisable Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.chiliad., telegraph, photo, autograph).

        • Determine the meaning of a give-and-take with pre-, re-, or mis- ( four-Y.two )
        • Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- ( four-Y.iii )
        • Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less ( four-Y.iv )
        • Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness ( iv-Y.five )
        • Decide the meaning of a word with -able or -ment ( 4-Y.6 )
        • Decide the pregnant of a word with a suffix: review ( )
        • Make up one's mind the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review ( four-Y.8 )
        • Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning ( 4-Y.9 )
        • Sort words past shared Greek or Latin roots ( iv-Z.1 )
        • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words ( 4-Z.2 )
        • Use the meanings of words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( iv-Z.3 )
        • Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 4-Z.4 )
        • Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots ( 4-Z.5 )
        • Match words with Greek and Latin roots to their meanings ( )
      • L.4.four.c Consult reference materials (eastward.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to notice the pronunciation and decide or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

        • Use guide words ( 4-Two.5 )
        • Use dictionary entries ( 4-II.half-dozen )
        • Use dictionary definitions ( 4-II.vii )
        • Use thesaurus entries ( 4-II.8 )
    • L.4.five Demonstrate agreement of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

      • L.four.5.a Explicate the significant of unproblematic similes and metaphors (e.thousand., every bit pretty as a picture) in context.

        • Similes and metaphors with pictures ( iv-F.2 )
        • Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors ( 4-F.3 )
        • Read poetry ( 4-Northward.3 )
      • L.4.5.b Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.

        • Decide the significant of idioms from context: set ane ( 4-FF.1 )
        • Identify the significant of idioms and adages: set one ( 4-FF.2 )
        • Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 2 ( 4-FF.3 )
        • Identify the pregnant of idioms and adages: set ii ( 4-FF.4 )
      • 50.4.5.c Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites (antonyms) and to words with like merely not identical meanings (synonyms).

        • Choose the synonym ( 4-CC.i )
        • Which sentence has the same pregnant? ( 4-CC.ii )
        • Find synonyms in context ( four-CC.iii )
        • Choose the antithesis ( iv-CC.iv )
        • Which sentence uses an antonym? ( four-CC.5 )
        • Find antonyms in context ( 4-CC.half-dozen )
        • Draw the difference between related words ( four-GG.2 )
        • Positive and negative connotation ( 4-GG.3 )
        • Make up one's mind the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( 4-HH.ii )
        • Apply thesaurus entries ( iv-II.8 )
    • Fifty.iv.half dozen Acquire and employ accurately course-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise deportment, emotions, or states of existence (east.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and that are basic to a particular topic (eastward.g., wildlife, conservation, and endangered when discussing animate being preservation).

      • Sort sensory details ( 4-E.1 )
      • Revise the judgement using a stronger verb ( 4-5.2 )
      • Positive and negative connotation ( 4-GG.3 )
      • Find words using context ( four-HH.i )
      • Determine the pregnant of words using synonyms in context ( 4-HH.2 )
      • Use context to identify the pregnant of a give-and-take ( 4-HH.three )
      • Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures ( 4-HH.four )
      • Apply academic vocabulary in context ( four-HH.5 )

Common Core State Standards © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief Land School Officers. All rights reserved.


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