After Each Age in Wot Does the Dark One Rise Again

Empire Earth - Empire Globe Guide

past DiklusDK

Empire World Guide
Written by RS_Gollum and NW_Kroucrouch

Translated by Popcorn_SL

This guide is suit for intermediate players who know the basics of the game (use of each units, how to change ages etc&#8230. This guide is non blueprint to requite all-finished strategies (some of them but none ultimate, you should take the time to work your own), but it will provide some hints and tips so y'all can reflect on the game and your personal way of playing, create new strategies, and finally, I promise so, to get amend.

All what I say hither is my personal oversight of the game, and I am sure that other ways exist: once once more this guide has no mean of being the ultimate guide, and yous tin can (you lot should) developed your own way rather than trying to reproduce others.

First point, when you start a game, you should always recall that your opponent is an skilful, to motivate yourself, and become use to play well


First betoken that’s need deep insight, every bit it is the virtually important point of the game, and the first thing that tin be learn quite correctly and fast

Economy basics are quite unproblematic:

Always produce your citizens continuously, in all the TC (Town Center) and Forums that y'all have
Never take idle denizen: utilize TAB key frequently to find them

Always try to accept a depression stock of resources: all of your income should be spend equally fast equally possible (information technology doesn’t help too much to have 1000 Wood in stock )

Try to balance your economy: for instances, if your choose a combo of two sorts of units, costing Iron and food, you obviously should focus on Atomic number 26 and food, however, you should not forget nearly the wood (for Farm and Factories) and gold also (to exist able to produce other kinds of units and as well enable the alter of age)
Developing your base of operations, command the area and defense:

To develop your base, you need to look at 2 things: the ground and the difficulties for your enemy to set on

First of all, you need to know that information technology is indeed very important to be a skilful defender, however, it is definitely non the virtually of import as playing defensive strategies often reduce your expansion possibilities, therefore bear to economical issues and you’ll end upward weaker than your opponent: "The best Defense is often the assail"

When y'all commencement, you lot’ll demand to know whether you are going to apply your rock to do a tower, some houses or even walls. Personally I would highly recommend a tower to defend yourself during the first xv minutes. Further more than, houses demands fifty Wood times 4 (200 total), and that selection will definitely tedious down your evolution for a while.

You choose to do some firm? (:o):

In that example, try to identify your houses in a fashion so they are in between 2TC (reminder: house increase the resistance of your units by 10% if they are situated in a TC zone (you tin can see the delimitated zone when you click on the TC itself), and that the maximum of defence bonus is forty% in tournament variant and 60% in standard)

Avert (obviously ) to build your house at the limit of your camp, otherwise, at the first attack, you could loose i or 2

If you lot play confronting a thespian producing a lot of non-range units (by and large mace man, sword at age 2/3, or Cavalry at historic period 4), it becomes a slap-up advantage to regroup your citizens shut to each other (there are (almost) e'er 1 or 2 mine field with a forest close by), and so you tin can defend very hands with the citizens themselves. However, against a range regular army, information technology remains incommunicable and you lot will need your ground forces to defend your citizens.

Y'all choose the tower?:

Defensive stance: yous must then know precisely the surrounding of your army camp, so you lot will be able to put the tower on a perfect spot to bother your enemy in the event of an attack

Exercise not attempt to protect everything with your belfry or you lot’ll stop up with a bad position, it is best to have a modest part of your camp well protected rather than a big part full of weaknesses. Insist on protecting your main citizens groups: in general minerals and woods; if your mines are isolated, you need to know whether you adopt to protect a small group of peons useful for your army development (peons on gilded or/and Iron), or the peons at the Wood useful for your economic development (as well equally for army on fact, for siege weapons and archeries)

Personally, I prefer to defend my mines:

-Because the armed forces production is more than important than economy (y'all volition never win if yous accept the best economic system and a little army )

-Likewise, mines are easily controllable by enemies, wood are non

Some other possibility is not to cull an economical production, just a passage rather, which you lead to your camp. If there are merely two accesses to your army camp, blocking one of them with a tower may be a expert idea sometimes.

Attacking stance: It could be very efficient to leave your military camp without any defenses, to place a support belfry in attack. Information technology is oftentimes being seen from age ten onward, because of long range and power of towers, only a lot of players forget that it could be very useful at other ages as well.

For instance, age 6 (generally archers and cavalries battles), if you see that your enemy has iii gold mines, 2 of them side by side, and exploit first the isolated ane (considering closer to the wood for example), it could really exist devilish to put your belfry abreast the 2 other mines for the principal time… information technology would block the access to the mines, just too you could use the spot as an outpost and maintain the pressure level, pushing your opponent to take a defensive stance.

The Walls: Finally, if forest and/or mountains environs you, passages leading to your camp should exist quite narrow: in that case, it can exist very efficient to put wall in those passages. But scout out! Practise not completely surround yourself with walls, because in that case, it would be very piece of cake to siege your town and your economical evolution would become very difficult as you won’t exist able to go out from your urban center et conquer the map. In anyhow, defense using a wall bring your expansion potential down.

Then, at a indicate in the game, you volition non have a choice anymore, and your army volition do your defence force. But still, yous need to know whether it is better to regroup your army in one spot but, therefore leaving a large part of your camp gratuitous to be attacked, or separate your ground forces in smaller groups to protect your base more or less efficiently…In most of the instance, significant you take nigh the same army size every bit your opponent, information technology is a must not to separate your ground forces in smaller groups to defend! That’s because it is mode easier to destroy smaller groups than destroy 1 big army, and because it would exist smaller ground forces lost for your opponent also.

If you do accept a lot more ground forces than your opponent, but he is hassling you so much that it becomes incommunicable to leave your camp without any danger, in that instance, the best solution would probably be to leave a small group of army to push back the small and non stopping attacks, et transport the residual to the enemy military camp to finish him.

Majority of the cases, yous’ll demand to go along your army together…merely where?

If y'all did cake some narrow access past using a wall, information technology is obvious, at that place is no easier defense
If you put a tower, at the beginning of the game, yous can place your army at the opposite side of the belfry (if your army is equal of superior equally the opponent’south); if your army is smaller, then it is better to identify it next to the belfry to get support burn down. After a while, the tower becomes obsolete, and it is best to identify your regular army similar if you had business firm every bit defense force.
If y'all take firm, identify your regular army where the economy is the about important
If you lot discover a loma shut past that may be on the laissez passer leading to your military camp, then have no second thought, put your regular army on it (reminder: there are bonuses on them for range units). Even if you do not accept range units, that’s doesn’t change a thing; at least your enemy won’t have this key spot.
*Exist careful with forest, too often players recall that it is a perfect defense system, but this is forgetting that range units can fire through….

Attacking and micromanagement:


It is certainly the most important point, whatever RTS game. Indeed, you tin can have a better army and a better economic system than your opponent, but if you do not know how to properly assault, and he can defend properly, you could loose even though you are superior during the game. To conduct a expert attack, yous’ll need to consider a couple of points: the map and enemy military camp, what is the opponent army composed of (units and upgrades), and how big is it? , Is the opponent economy stronger or weaker than ours? , How the enemy defense is organized?

First of all, I will consider that your army is composed of the same units (fifty-fifty though it’due south probably incorrect )

Couple of scenario:

-Your army is smaller in numbers and upgrade, and he is having a ameliorate economic system:

hummmm your case is desperate …well peradventure non J In such case, near of the players are trying to remain in defence force. Information technology is probably the worst thing to practise!! The most efficient solution would exist to split up your ground forces in smaller groups, and hassle him every bit much every bit possible to weakened his economy. Further more, by acting like that, he will have a hard time to guess your ground forces size, and you will push him to defend himself, canceling whatsoever farther assault, and reducing his economy.

-Your army is smaller in number and upgrade, merely your economy is better:

If you build some houses, it shouldn’t be any issues: using your army and peons, with the houses resistance bonus of xl%, information technology should exist plenty. Withal, if you do not have whatever house, the acceptable solution would be the same as before, exist actress conscientious to keep your army alive during the hassling function, because if your economy is strong, your tin quite presently continue up then exceed your opponent army.

-Same regular army but your economy is stronger:

In that case, with a proper nail, attacking is not a must, considering a massive assault would probably lead to a miss (past the time you lot reach the enemy camp, he will have more army than you). However, as usual, if you can hassle without too much loss, it is a proficient solution to keep him in his camp, while you will have even a greater economical and military advance.

-Same army only your economy is equal or weaker:

Hither again, the solution is the same : hassle him constantly to weakened his economic system while you are strengthening yours doing a boom.

(In those 2 last cases, there is another solution, which is build iv houses in attack, then a TC with peons in, in society to get the resistance bonus : so go along with a massive attack )

-Your army is larger:

2 ways to keep:

The opponent defense is average/weak, then have no hesitation, attack front side with all y'all got
The defence is strong, (houses, walls, good spot for him&#8230, then a front set on would be also risky, you should so start to siege the camp, in social club to stop him for farther development therefore end him booming…if your surround him totally, soon or later you should have such a strong economy that yous tin can produce in mass, and your opponent volition exist annihilated
In whatever means, the map composition is very important, try to employ hills if whatever, and employ your range units to fire through forests

Unit’southward micro management:


This is extremely of import to micromanage properly your units at the aforementioned time as expending your economy. To practise so, information technology is vital to use hotkeys (H, D, C, South, E etc… encounter user manual cascade the full list of hotkeys). Exercise not forget that using hotkeys is suppose to gain time, so if you have to constantly look at your keyboard, information technology is doubtful that the speed increase will be great .

If you feel that you are overwhelmed and that in that location are as well many things to do, it’s mean that you are non fast enough compared to your playing level. Nonetheless, if you experience that all what you wanted washed is done but in that location are no bare, that’s mean that your speed is counterbalanced with your level, therefore no trouble J .

Finally, if there are blank moments in a game, it’s mean there is a problem somewhere (except game speed normal or slow lol): indeed, there are always things to practice in EE; move your dog, keep creating peons (HCHCHC), use all your resource, (more farms if wood excess, nail with food excess, etc&#8230

Yous should always attempt to be active, once you succeed into that, try each following game to be faster doing the same things so you can improve your level (if speed does not make yous progress, you will need sufficient speed in order to progress)

Managing your regular army:

A basic control is the use of "ctrl + right click", and then your troopers will reach the chosen point attacking everything on their way.

Each group is named (ctrl 1, ctrl ii etc…you lot come up back to each group by pressing 1,two etc&#8230.

If you are using those groups for a massive attack, ideally you should then divide each units types into unlike groups (for instances: group i archers, group 2 pike human etc&#8230

However is y'all need to hassle your opponent, it would exist best to just mix them (or mix all the units with the same speed together, in that location is null more frustrating that loosing half of your ground forces while the other half is still on the fashion)

Regarding the hassling part, personally I am using maximum three groups, ane main group with 80% of my army, 2 others with 10% each. The ii small groups should attack constantly ane after another. You need to surprise the opponent where he won’t expect y'all, or where the defenses are down. For example, the 1st grouping is going to attack at the top of the enemy base, by and large, even if you surprise him at that indicate, this attack should not do a lot of damage equally your opponent is going to react very fast by sending all his army there. Of course, this is the 2nd assault which is suppose to do a lot of damage, by attacking at the bottom of the enemy camp, where the enemy regular army is missing in action . During that time, the start grouping (which you lot asked to abscond the battle), could for case, come back by behind. When you experience that your opponent is getting disorganize, ship the main of your army through the front of the camp, where you did not conduct any assail nonetheless.

Doing those assault is very important:

- Weakened the enemy

- Button him into defense and end him to attack yous

- Disorganize him et mess him up: he does not know anymore where you are going to assail and will try to defend everything all together: this is exactly what you desire as, like Caesar use to say "Dividing to Rule", and then the primary attack will be much easier.

- Yous volition always know what he is doing, where are his all-time spots etc…

However, if the enemy camp is too well dedicated, or if your army does not accept range units, you could loose more than him...then hassling is not ever the best solution.

During a large assail, do not forget your product, economical likewise as military, and also, place the rally point of banter, factories etc quite close to the action. If y'all have to go back, practice non forget to remove those rally points and bring back the units that were on the way.

Army diversity and upgrades:

You lot should always try to accept more than ane kind of units, looking at the types of units y'all select (units and counter units&#8230, and the resources that they demand.

As much as possible, try to residuum your military production by creating 2 units using different resource: it is ofttimes much easier to actually harvested a little of woods, little of food, little of gold etc, rather than mass of food and mass of gold (for cavalry mass and dragoon for case). On the pinnacle of that, it will allow you lot to change era, and even more than relevant, to change your ground forces co-ordinate to the one of your enemy and effort to surprise him.

If ever you lot however want to go on in harvesting only 2 kinds of resource, do not put all of your peons in the same area (except during the first 10/fifteen minutes manifestly) because in example of attacks on your peons, that would most definitely block y'all, and you will probably end up loosing due to lack of product.

Looking at the units you use, you need at to the lowest degree 2 kinds of different units (in a manner that some are piercing, and the other i shock for example). Ideally, having one type of fast moving unit of measurement (for hassling and to more hands control the enemy army) and/or a range unit (to benefit from hills bonuses, and further more, to avoid having all your shut contact units getting of the way of each other).

Yous should know as well that long-range units are way more than efficient when produced massively. A mass archer, peculiarly with a hero warrior, would exist very hard to handle even with cavalries or shock infantries.

Regarding the upgrades, if this is a close combat unit, expect at upgrading the speed (if those units are cavalries or pike men’s, ameliorate speed only if the gain if +two minimum, otherwise it won’t be much of a benefit), the armor (at least to the showtime level every bit information technology is cheap), attack and hitting points only when you start having quite a number of units to really experience the benefits.

For range units, the most of import is to increment the range, first of all, it will make your hassling easier to handle, and besides they will kill a lot more units earlier being attacked (peculiarly if the enemy units is equanimous of close gainsay units). Adjacent would be set on upgrade, quite of import, but and then again only when your ground forces is quite big. I won’t recommend the armor upgrade, even though information technology is not expensive, it is not really efficient, and you lot won’t be able to upgrade the hit points (the club of those upgrade should then be: range, assail, hit points, range, attack)

Scouting procedure:

Always first your game past creating a dog, even before starting your citizens.

Scouting is very of import whatever game it is; this is the scout that volition allow you to organize your defence and your assail as explained in above chapter. Information technology will allow you to discover your military camp as well as the enemy one, to evaluate the enemy choices (in terms of regular army, rushing attitude or booming attitude, his defense (tower localization or houses)).

To use the scout properly:

Starting time explore your camp in circles, to find your food (forage, hippo, hunt identify), your wood, and your mines, your camp configuration (surrounding hills, places, et access possibilities). Post-obit to that, attempt to notice as soon as possible the enemy camp, explore as best equally possible, past avoiding the peon concentration that might kill your dog, your minimum discoveries should be what mine is he using, and what military building is he amalgam, in guild to gauge what units is he going to produce. After that, you’ll need to find out the same information that in your own military camp, food sources, mines, woods and hills. Once you do accept all those information, you should be able to adapt your strategies co-ordinate to his weaknesses.

Do not forget to take your dog always active, take him circling the enemy camp in quite big circles (in order to encounter any expansion, and he won’t exist killed past the first military machine units). During long games, it is almost a must to produce some other dog to explore others part of the map.

At ages ix and x, do non forget that you accept a balloon, having a safe spot of exploration as long as the enemy does not have anti aerial units.

Economy or attack ? :

Showtime of all you must know that harvesting speed of all resources goes faster and faster when you progress into the ages. However, producing the units is equally plush, as long and their speed is the aforementioned all along.

That ways, in theory, that booming is much easier in advanced ages. Nevertheless, military units from the beginning ages can dice quite easily killed past the peons… And so booming is also very much possible during the first ages fifty-fifty though a little more risky.

The 2 extremes rush/nail are:

-A blitz super fast without producing whatsoever peons at all, betting on the fact that the opponent won’t have any war machine units or tower yet

-A total smash, using all your food to produce peons without whatever armed services units earlier 10/xv min and to get a good economy

Apparently, those 2 extremes are both very risky, and are possible only if you are very sure of what you are doing (generally, the 1st case is possible is the map is tiny, and the 2nd if you lot put a wall or if you are in the middle of a team)

The difficulty is not to choose one or the other, but much more to observe right residue in betwixt. To practice then, you must know what your opponent is doing (rush, fast boom or regular, etc..), take in business relationship what historic period y'all are playing in (boom is way much easier at Nano than Dark age…but because at Nano it is faster to harvest just the basic units (meaning the one you tin can create the fastest to rush), therefore inf, is quite slow, and in age 5, resource are slower, but the Persian Cav are very fast and killers against peons)

From Blitz to Boom:

Lets take in business relationship the fact that we are producing peons continuously to facilitate the exercise (even if some strategies will obviously require to finish peons production)

-Very fast rush, where we’ll take hippos, no settlement on fodder, simply one on the mines. Practise it actually right side by side to the mine, and no space at all (If yous want to put one settlement between ii mines, ensure that no more than than 2 spaces lie in between, otherwise, a second settlement is more than profitable). Just assign enough peons to produce continuously from 1 TC. At the same time, three-5 peons on Wood, and finally iii-6 peons on a mine. Theoretically, one time your military building is done, yous should have enough wood to build a settlement on forage (or hunting ground)

-Rush with a good economic system, here you do two settlements on food and mine, yous will then exist slower on the blitz, but stronger economic system. If you notice your enemy rushing faster than you, bring back the hippos nether the tower to protect your food product. If your opponent is booming, accept your hippos as shortly as possible, and endeavour to impale the enemy hunting basis.

-Military production and nail afterwards, this is really the one-half way betwixt rush and blast. You need to assign more peons than necessary on food at the first (more than a rush, simply less than a nail), then a classic development with ii settlements. You should and then have more food unused. At just most the same time of starting your armed services product (or subsequently on depending of the era), you volition garrison the mine settlement, and then you volition assign some more peons on food to ensure continuous peon production from the 2 TC. The problem with this technique is that you’ll be vulnerable to a very fast rush, simply later on, yous will exist able to counter a 2-settlement rush (you’ll have ameliorate economy) as well as a blast (you lot’ll have your ground forces before). However, do not fool yourself, if this strategies looks skillful and all, information technology is still quite difficult to do properly to get the efficiency.

-Boom on forage, the advantage of the boom is that you’ll get an economical advantage soon in the game and your military production will starting time a trivial later than a two settlements rush. Of course, depending on the era, it is more than or less hard to resist to some rush.

-Blast on mines, by and large, this one is harder to do considering you lot need 2 settlements before starting the boom itself, therefore you lot demand to harvest 25 of wood (+ the time to build the mine settlement, that button yous to start booming with 1-2 min more than a forage boom). Therefore, you are even more vulnerable to a rush. Yet, on a long-term ground you will benefit class the TC harvesting bonus (+25% as a reminder) and that can exist really efficient in sure case (If you lot need some unit of measurement quite demanding in mineral such as tank or planes for example)

-Boom in iii TC, possible merely at ages 12,xiii or 14. This 1 is very hard to resist confronting any blazon of blitz, but if yous survive…the game is normally yours!! Further more than, confronting a role player doing a classic boom, military production happen a little later on than his, but on a huge scale. Give it a attempt, but be mindful J

Unlike strategies depending on the ages:

Except stated otherwise, the following strategies volition employ Austria civ, and are mainly for 1v1 on a modest map

Historic period 1: Prehistory:

At this age, harvesting food can only be done by hunting and forage, it is therefore very important to properly control and defend the food spots

-The most classical strategies: pikeman rush: quick change of age at well-nigh 7min30, than production in a barrack. Practice not forget to apace upgrade speed and attack at least. This strategy is completely based on hassling the opponent. Subsequently a while, you lot must apace kickoff slingers, and then upgrade age 3 (latest at 22-23min) to get the bows

-Mass pikeman: going to historic period two volition be a little bit later, simply war machine production happen in 2 or even three barracks. To do and so, assign a lot more peon on wood before going to era ii, and and then, when the banter are washed, assign those peons on hunting (you’ll need to have plenty wood for another settlement abreast hunting ground). This strategy is possible only if hunting is near and quite massive. Hither again, it is a must to upgrade speed and attack. Do not produce bows and salve your gold to get age 3, and then produce cav to counter the enemy archers that your opponent will take done for sure. You lot will as well need to build some farms to ensure continuous production of peons, pikeman and cav.

-Boom + slingers: hither over again, y'all will need enough hunt to do this strategy, because even if you do have plenty to produce continuously from2 TC, y'all volition nonetheless demand 375 Food to go to era 3. This strategies is based on a slinger mass and then, quite fast, bows. Houses volition do your defense, and that volition allow a adept defense (especially against maceman which are such peon killers). The attacks will happen at age 3 with bows, chop-chop supported by cavalries.

NB: a variant of this strategy is to take the Assyrian Empire to get their speed and range bonus on bows. The strategy is then totally different: the 1st one is based on a boom; this i is based on hassling, without booming, helped by greater speed and range from the bows.

-Peon blitz: this strategy targets the enemy forage. First of all, you must be sure that your enemy did not build houses or a tower on the food spot. The attack needs to be washed exactly at the moment where the opponent is going age 2, so his economy will be the lowest. The principle is to take all your peons at F11 6:30-7:30 et transport them on enemy forage: in theory, the enemy peons should flee to regroup and fight, at this time, you must build a belfry next to the fodder. Yous will then do a settlement and start harvesting the provender and exploit his military camp. During that time, go on to produce peons in your base, and go through age two at about 13/15 min. Even if it seem quite late, you lot will normally weakened your opponent so much, that you volition be in a stronghold position on his own ground, and your economy volition be 2-3 times stronger that his.

Historic period 2: Stone Age:

Possible strategies are the same than age 1, except that rush pikeman is more efficient and the slinger nail is more risky due to earlier battles.

-Fast age3 followed by rush cav: this strategy is possible only if your opponent is doing slingers, y'all will require a very skilful scooting to ensure and consolidate your strategies.

Age iii: Copper Historic period:

Bow mass isn’t really valid anymore at this age as the 2 other military edifice (stable and barrack) provide bow-counter.

Leaving 3 strategies possibilities:

-Rush pikeman (Practice not hesitate to produce in mass if your opponent choose bows)

-Blitz Cav, even against an opponent producing pikeman, cav rush is playable as long every bit yous hassle properly using the speed advantage. The goal in that case is to kill equally much peons as possible while avoiding the enemy ground forces

-Mass pikeman and so fast age iv: goal existence to go to historic period 4 fast, to upgrade pikeman to Phalanx and showtime producing Cav archers

Age 4: Bronze Historic period:

At this age, at that place are 2 chief strategies, blitz cav archers with Assyrien Empire or defense with cavalries and so fast age five with Austria

-Blitz cav archers: the advantage of this strategy is to be able to hassle very easily using the high speed and range of cav archers. If your opponent does the same, the game will be a mass cav archers production (with upgrades as fast as possible), a very proficient micro management of the units, and a very adept hassling. If your opponent does cavalries, you must imperatively hassle him as much as possible, the nigh important being not to leave any access to fe, and then he won’t be able to go to age five. You must absolutely go to age 5 earlier him, to obtain the Persian cav to counter his cav, If you fail to do so, he will upgrade his cav to cataphractes, you tin can exist sure to loose the game, equally cataphractes are deadly against cav archers and peons (5 cataphractes upgraded (1 up attack, i up anti pierce, 1 up hit points) tin kill at least xv cav archers upward at x)

-Fast age 5 cavalries: this strategy is meant to counter the mass cav archers. The principle is to produce few cavalries in defense to limits rush possibilities, and go to historic period 5 as fast as possible to get the cataphractes. If your enemy is making cavalries, in that case, the best solution is to chop-chop create two elephants, as the only counter for them are archers, and if luckily (for you lot ) your enemy attack you with his peons, because of his foot expanse issue you may exist able to kill up to 15 peons with four-5 shots. Further more than, elephants are very efficient in destroying buildings (2 elephants are enough to destroy 1 tower)

NB: I won’t recommend the inf blitz, short sword or Phalanx because if your opponent is doing cav, the elephants are deadly to inf, and if he is producing cav archers, their speed is so high that they can face near anything with adept micro management (and some Javelin in support)

Age v: Dark Age:

At this age, you lot have the choice betwixt classical devellopement, starting with Persian cavalries and going to cav archers quite fast with Assyrian Empire, or practice a very fast rush Persians cav with England.

-Persians cavalries followed but cav archers: if your opponent does the aforementioned, it volition often be the all-time micro manager the winner. If he starts by cav archers, you cease Farsi cav and start cataphractes.

-Very fast Persian cavalry blitz with England: this can be done but if you locate a golden mine very fast. The goal of this strategy is to stop producing peon to get enough food to produce Persian cav very fast. Here you will benefit from England bonuses, building cheaper, gold harvest faster, and ranged cav cheaper. To utilise this strategy, you exercise non do any settlement to gain speed at the kickoff (even if you loose some economical ability). I do not know whatever strategies that demand more micro management and focus on a game, at least, when the opponent resist to the first blitz.

Age half-dozen: Middles ages:

At this historic period there are 2 min strategies possible: mass cav archers with Assyrian empire (in 99% of the case), and long sword blitz followed by cav archers with Byzantine Rome.

-Mass cav archers: The principle is exactly the same as mass in age 4.

NB: I advise you to be extra careful into going to age 7, against a role player using all his resources and hassling yous to a maximum, going age seven means surely defeated.

- Long sword rush: the goal of this strategy isn’t to kill his army (style too fast for inf to follow), just to kill his peons. You must weaken his economy before producing cav archers.

NB: Anti pierce upgrade for long sword are very efficient (6+5 when ii ups)

Age 7: Renaissance:

At this age, if in a short term a couple of combos are possible, on the long run, at that place are not actually farther choices. Brusk term, y'all may find inf+pikeman, cav+carabineers. The only efficient combo on long term is cav+inf (+some carabineers).

-Rush inf: Classic stuff, but always efficient if you scoot properly and react on time if you come across cav in forepart of you. If your opponent is taking gilded, create fast iii or four pikemans (with some inf still) and up their speed to ease the micro management toward cav/carabineers. In order to tiresome down the enemy economy, information technology can be very adept to kill his hunt, every bit producing cav without chase becomes really hard.

Yous should do the same to someone booming with cav.

Against an inf rush, it is often the best hassle and/or the fastest to add cav to his army that end upward winning.

Last of import point is that you must detect the opponent base very fast...its expect obvious, but it is actually the crucial point of this strategy (like most rush in fact) because if your enemy choose to boom+inf, you lot must arrive in his base of operations before he tin can produce any inf at all, or, having a better economy, he volition overpower you by producing in a couple of barracks.

-Blitz cav: against another rush cav, you’ll need to produce simply carabineers, and then quickly change your production line to do inf. Against a rush inf, the all-time solution is to practise a majority of cav along with few carabineers (those have to impale the pikemens). Confronting a boom, you shouldn’t have any problems because hassling will exist quite piece of cake. Still yous will have to think virtually producing inf to kill the inevitable pikemens or carabineers.

-Boom: Only if you take hunting ground well-nigh by! If you choose to start with inf, you should play in defense until you lot have some cav. However, if you showtime past cav, that will allow yous to hassle the enemy camp, therefore let you to develop your side quietly, you volition so be more focus on the attack.

-Very fast rush cav: principle beingness the same as very fast Persian cav in Age 5, this can be done only if y'all actually stop your peon production and find a gold mine very fast. You can exercise that with Frank’s civ.

Age 8: Majestic Age:

The units hither are the same as in age 7 except for the ranged infantries and pikemens (whatever are their name ), which are much meliorate while cav, remains the aforementioned. The strategies therefore remain identical except that cav strategies are not efficient any more. Effectively, confronting a cav combo cav + carabineers (the one efficient at age 7) the new pikemens with speed up are efficient enough (+ very deadly against peons).

Here y'all accept the choice between boom+inf (with Austria), rush inf (Austria or Kingdom of Italia) or just a classical development (but slow) with Spain (Spain having the best bonuses of the game for inf, just doesn’t accept bonus on peons nor on hunting&#8230

Either ways, if you primary army is made of inf, information technology can be skillful to include some Aristocracy guard (nonetheless, do no practice an ground forces of them as they are beingness trashed past cav). After a while in the game, yous must include some cav with your inf.

Another interesting strategy, well, if y'all find the enemy base fast enough, is to do a rush with 2/three pikemens (not more than, because after it is improve to produce musketeers)..If y'all arrive in the enemy base while he doesn’t take any inf yet, y'all well-nigh guaranteed the victory for yourself, however, against inf that is worthless

Age 9: Industrial age:

Hither once more the strategies are the aforementioned as historic period vii, the divergence beingness that booming is much easier.

I propose you to be careful into going age ten, there are no longer anti cavalries at this age, so a piece of advice, practise some cav and/or carabineers before going into age 10…otherwise merely tanks and planes tin can kill cav and both of them are quite costly and slow to produce.

Against somebody going into age 10 while you lot are even so at age 9, you lot should produce quite a lot of cav, but besides some canons (theses are the merely unite from historic period ix (with carabineers) efficient against tanks)

Historic period 10: WW1:

Here again goose egg actually original…smash and blitz inf are largely in use. This blitz inf is particularly efficient, along with Air-conditioning then artilleries. The power of the units start to really become important, and it is more and more important to upgrade the range.

-Rush inf: I would emphasize that if your opponent plays defense with Machine gun, you’ll have 2 choices, or you upwardly the range of your inf +ii and with some micro management, you should be able to kill automobile gun, or y'all do a mill and start producing tanks (only in small quantities if possible…mass tanks require a lot of resource and are easy to counter). If you see some tanks, stop direct mining iron and switch to a gold mine (even 2 for security) and start to produce grenade launchers, waiting to have enough woods to create a siege manufactory for AC.

-Rush Tank: this one can be very efficient if instead of edifice your tank factory in your camp, you build it in the heart of the map then information technology will exist hidden from your enemy. However, this rush is double sided, due to cost of factory itself and tanks thereafter, it becomes quite difficult to alter your production later on.

-Blast: with Republic of austria, and in that case, you will be fast plenty, and start producing inf+AC or tanks (if you scooted a rush inf in your enemy. You can as well take Dandy Britain to get a tower range bonus (best defence against a rush) and bonus on gold (in barracks, there are counters to all other units at age ten :anti-inf=machine gun and anti tanks=grenade launchers. Those 2 units demands golden, and at the siege factory, Air conditioning also require gold and has more than attack, hitting points and speed with slap-up Britain. The main problem with those units is that they are counter units and not attacking units. Corking U.k. is then very good if you play defensive way.

Age eleven: WW2:

Units are the same as age x except the fact that they are all much better (non Air-conditioning). Rush inf or blitz tank are therefore more efficient, and smash is more risky. Continue this in mind, but the strategies are the aforementioned as WW1.

Age 12: Modern Age:

At this age, again, the units are identical equally the i in historic period 11, except Ac have evolved (Tank blitz are more risky now) and planes, which prior to this age are besides piece of cake to counter, get now very powerful. So if the strategies are still the same, now you can add the air blitz (or air boom, as planes to not require food)

Furthermore, food (and wood) is existence collected faster than age 11, so boom is easier.

-Air blitz or Air boom: if it seems that United states of america is the best for that, I wouldn’t recommend that choice because their economy is good only for minerals, and you will be immediately spotted as doing Air set on (peradventure a tank blitz&#8230. Information technology is safer a more flexible civ such as Not bad United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Once the Air rush is washed, if your opponent isn’t dead, you must add a ground ground forces, because an army based on i type of units only won’t terminal long.

Historic period 13: Digital Age:

Here power and range of all unit increases again. Also to assist out your defense, tower range increases. Cyber appear at that age.

Previous strategies are nevertheless valid, and one more strategy appears: blitz storm

Air rush becomes less efficient due to increase in AA power.

-Rush Tempest (+Apollo): Take Novaya Russia to go cyber bonuses (Hit points, speed and tempest/Apollo cheaper). The goal is to kill enemy peons (in on shot only!!! So look at the hassling possibility, with his 21 signal of speed&#8230 and non killing enemy army. Notwithstanding, tempests are strong confronting any small ground ground forces (except AC) due to his special powers. Precisely, if Apollo is curing him and gives him a shield, Tempest becomes well-nigh invulnerable for a short menses. Do not forget not to stick too long to this philharmonic; you should plow to a more than classical army equally Tempest becomes obsolete if the opponent regular army is too big (equally Tempest is a shut range unit).

Age fourteen: Nano Age:

Hither once again all the units are more than powerful, Food and woods is gathered much faster to facilitate booming. Rush at Nano age becomes difficult, except if you put a tower in attack (range at x with great U.k.!) and play with less mutual units (tanks, cyber ect..) to surprise your opponent. The iii TC blast becomes very much possible but remain risky.

Gathering Resources is and then fast at this historic period that micro management of units and development becomes quite tuff.

Take Loosing :

Y'all simply lost a game against a player who actually kicked your butt from the start to the finish? That a practiced occasion to acquire how to play ameliorate!

The about important (at least for a good bulk of player) is to meliorate your skills, by victory or defeat means.

Observe the map at the end of the game and enquire yourself what was wrong with your way of playing?, why did you loose? How was his base? (His defense, weak point ect ect&#8230, what did he practice better than y'all?

This is the observation on your own style of playing, and the reflexion about information technology, that will brand you improve.

Finally, zilch replaces training sessions, even this guide don't explain all the aspects of the game

Message from Popcorn_SL:

Well, I did my all-time to translate accurately from RS_Gollum and NW_Kroucrouch's article, so add a good French accent to this, and you lot should be fine

DiklusDK: i changed a flake since there was some big spelling mistakes (simply im not perfect)
recall to give the credit to the writers

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